Buzz Followers

The concept of a Followers and a following is the same, but with the advantage that immediately you can integrate your list of email contacts to participate, just do not mention 140 characters express ideas, then micro-blogging may not apply, allows you to embed videos and be seen in the same message without leaving the page from a URL, is friendly and easy. I think that summarizes Buzz, however not without its bad stuff, which is that you answer each message appears in your Inbox, which can turn something boring if you use the mail in a more work, less fun, it is clear that this can be solved with a filter. So here’s the topic of buzz, now, the phenomenon that today something interesting, some twitter it was worrying to see how within the network there were many islands and more community is that there will not be productive (or at least for me) to be in service and always goes niches or families that can never arrived, and start really matters: what to use and why? This I should think each person in your house from your laptop, PC, mac or you have, personally I do not have the options, made use Twitter, Facebook and linked in. Now Buzz, as it will try and see if I can post from one at all. Because this proposal would be the ideal of community, which opened and allowed everyone connected with ALL, because there are a few that allow it, but not about the new Google, and it is obvious that everyone wants to be the favorite among Internet commented, a the ego is still above the benefit to humans (transcendental this).

What is clear is that Google buzz is the result of a failed Wave, or at least so it seems, it has several similar characteristics suggest that the issue of wave is not going to evolve, in fact I gave all my invitations and When you do not know who has sent messages there. There happened to them the same? Something interesting that we detected between those who were testing the service and wanted to integrate it with Twitter, it’s not working the import of what I publish on Twitter Buzz actually expect that this will soon be solved if only I see entries in one place , or if Twitter is encouraged to stop import messages from buzz. In short, the possibilities are many, only experience and time will tell how successful was this new accessory from Google.