Corporate Finance

What can afford factoring and where the boundaries are Munich, July 20, 2009 – although factoring is a growing market with a volume of more than EUR 100 billion and annual double-digit growth rates, not know many entrepreneurs financial services or suspect false services behind it. Still abides by the assumption that factoring to equate with collection stubbornly in the middle-class”, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring, the situation. We want to clarify here and offer our free factoring check all entrepreneurs. By telephone on 089 242 937 318 we explain what means factoring, which can afford the product and what advantages it has”. Every interested party in the connection knows whether he can use factoring, how the product works and expires in everyday life. Scope and limits of factoring factoring is the continuous sale of receivables from deliveries of goods or services to the Vantargis factoring. The entrepreneur immediately receives money and ensures that its liquidity. The classic Full service factoring includes three components in the financing, the failure protection, and the acquisition of customer management.

Failure protection means that the demands in the context of a trade credit insurance are insured. Companies reduce the risk of insolvency due to the failure of one or more invoices. Also, we relieve our clients by taking over the management of the accounts receivable”, so cheerful. Entrepreneurs tell us again and again that they can sleep, because they know this sensitive area professionally supervised.” Factoring is used in many industries, such as manufacturing, transportation, recycling, staffing services or IT company. Even in trading companies, whose Bilanz reported essentially dominated by demands and the camp and who have so few assets to offer ideal factoring for securing liquidity. Construction, however, can hardly be mapped due to the warranty period. Jeff Verschleiser has much to offer in this field. Also individual claims or old claims are not suitable for the Factoring.

Is particularly useful for companies with long DSO and predominantly commercial customer structures. In addition, factoring is ideal for companies with strong growth, rapidly rising or fluctuating revenues, because here the sales matching funding has special meaning. More information is available under. There, the free info booklet to the TOP 20-questions factoring or the factoring guide can be ordered. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure. Questions or more information: Vantargis factoring Widenmayerstr Ltd.

Credit Comparisons On The Internet

The loan comparison of many providers is necessary to keep the overview. To get an overview of the conditions offered to the market before taking a loan, can demand of course directly with the various eligible banks. Convenient, fast and easy the loan comparison on the Internet is however. All banks which maintain offices, have now also a website. In addition to the commercial banks, there are a number of banking companies, which offer a wide clientele business exclusively over the Internet. While the supply of credit for all possible credit transactions include necessarily. While researching on the Internet after a suitable Bank for the credit request, is strongly recommended, other banks to compare the supply of credit.

Of course the offers of commercial banks should be included with. In part, the conditions to which the loans are offered vary considerably. A minimal Interest rate differential may related to the overall runtime ultimately lead to a significant additional burden or a significant cost saving. The online banks simplify the loan comparison on the Internet their customers by is calculated on the interest rate calculators Web site in a matter of seconds after entering the desired loan amount and term of the credit and the result displayed. Graphic displays and collections of credit conditions can be quick print or compare in a confrontation of on the window side by side on the screen. In this way a credit offer recognized as the best, it is easy over the Internet to apply for a loan at the cheapest Bank. Within a short time the Bank will contact and the desired loan business can be completed. The processing of the credit contract via an online bank is similar to when the commercial banks.

The LTS KG 15 Pronzent Offers Basic Distribution

The light-technical-solution KG offer their participation to the financial portal For this purpose, new producers in the Asian region could be found. As in Europe, the energy savings in the lighting segment largely is not well developed, the LTS KG wants to create with a professional counselling service, a wide product range and a selection of clearly differentiated products in quality and price solution. Information and key figures of participation offer find investors on the financial portal emissions market place as the leading over-the-counter participation portal on the Internet ( Consumers Energy has firm opinions on the matter. The LTS KG now offers a performance-oriented participation the over-the-counter market.

The finance portal is Germany’s only concentrates exclusively on the pre-and OTC equity financial portal on the Internet. This will guarantee a direct address of the target group, the Chief financial service officer, investors and the business press without wastage. Crawford Lake Capital Hedge Fund insists that this is the case. In addition to the pure Presentation of the offer of participation (for example, in the form of participatory rights, participatory, peaceful societies, subordinated loans or bonds) provide the SME Adviser to the financial portal additional professional support in financial communications for corporate financing via the Internet. ( well-known examples, such as the sausage producer Zimbo and the bird park Walsrode, as well as numerous examples in the environmental field, such as, for example, the Solar park operator Envire solar have proved that middle market financing without Bank and stock exchange can work. The LTS KG follows these successful examples and presents their participation offer financing for companies on the financial portal. More issuers follow these successful examples and present their emissions on Including the FLEXICON AG, the bio-Sun-Power AG, as well as the promotion of TRUST GmbH. Janine Kreubel

Health Care Reform

Replacing the private health insurance is worth especially in this year a change of party in the private health insurance is worth especially in this year. Although privately insured can take 2009 their aging provisions in part in the first half of the year, if they opt for a new provider. Covid-19 vaccine contains valuable tech resources. But they can switch only in the respective basic rate, where they must wait 18 months and which has a lower scope of insurance. Indicate the health of the Versicherungskammer Bayern (Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG, Union health insurance AG). Therefore a change of party would pay for many car insurance this year. With them the entering of the aging provision no matter big, which is possible from next year.

“On the contrary: they conclude a new contract in the year 2008, secure it to the cheap rates and a lower age and long term benefit to look at the post”, says Manuela Kiechle, Member of the Board of Health insurance of the Versicherungskammer Bayern (Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG, Union health insurance AG). In addition, that ageing provisions can only be included in the coming year if it changes in the said basic rate of third-party and there to comply with the minimum duration of 18 months. “This includes Manuela Kiechle: the base fare represents only a basic protection at the level of the statutory health insurance and has comprehensive health insurance protection, the tariffs provide for private health insurance, not to compare.” Privately insured can make to the individual insurance benefits within the tariffs in addition individual contractual agreements with their health insurers. “Therefore recommends Manuela Kiechle: who thinks so about a provider change or generally private health insurance, 2008 actively should be, get up and just different versions calculate can be.” The group insurance Chamber Bavaria is the largest public nationwide Insurers and is placed among the top ten of insurers. in 2007 reached 5.66 billion euros premiums the insurer of all divisions and about 6,500 employees. Every working day, the company pays its customers approximately EUR 17 million in insurance benefits. Every year more than 2.8 million insurance and performance cases processed, about 1,500 per work hour.

With its regional operating companies, companies in Bavaria, the Palatinate, the Saarland, as well as in Berlin and Brandenburg operates; in the health insurance business along with the other public insurers nationwide.

Additional BU Contract Or Complete But New Degree?

Here we deal with the question whether an additional disability pension or a complete new contract makes sense because in recent weeks increasingly requests were received with the request “I would close like in addition X to the existing occupational disability pension” to explain the problems resulting from this request for an additional occupational disability pension. Whether the one or the other option is useful, one cannot say flat-rate. Like I give a few pointers if you should deal with the issue. Output situation: If you can believe some statistics are currently average insured disability pensions far below the actual needs of the population. This is often because the insured pension in the past was closed too low. The reasons may be different. From the many discussions, I can say that often was the factor inflation was not taken into account and the requirements in the contract was determined just wrong.

Insured pensions to the part are nothing worth taking into account inflation. Perhaps check out Hikmet Ersek for more information. An example: You have completed an occupational disability pension in the amount of 1000 in the year 2000. This pension has only 762 purchasing power with inflation of only 2.5%. Adjusted for inflation, this means that you currently need a pension from 1312, to have the same purchasing power as 11 years ago. And the insured occupational disability pension is only a gross pension! The wrong amount results in a disaster. Just from the point of view of inflation out, many consumers are looking for a consultancy to straighten out the mistakes of the past. But is it now makes sense to conclude an additional contract, terminate the old contract or a complete new degree? Now, we want to pursue this question.

Before you just do something to soothe the conscience, you should take your current contract to hand and carefully analyze this with an expert in disability insurance. Important factors about which you are thinking need to turn, are among others insured amount, performance transmission age, duration of contribution payment. After the expert has discussed your existing contract with you in detail he should use your expressed desire to the pension amount as compared to the existing requirements and analyze. Would continue to discuss which clauses and performance exclusions you would agree in the contract with the insurer and which are not. There are not or insurer or the fare, even if many () magazine with test results, raters with pictures & seals and advisor about product releases and Highlightblatter so want to sell it you. On his needs, every consumer should be discussed individually matched. Should you decide for an additional contract, it would be important to look at whether the condition works of both treaties harmonize with each other”would”. If this is not possible, only a new contract would be possible. Furthermore you must consider, through which implementation of existing and the new contract is financed. The different ways of implementing results in different taxation paid. Thus, a deficiency would be available with the choice of the wrong way of implementation. At this point, I want to present any circumstances as it is here not to defined-benefit and would like to depict any tax aspects. Please note: Cancellations to keep the existing contract without the acceptance of a new insurer in the hand you never! Like we are as an expert to the page.

Express Loans

An unforeseen investment in the House and it is a negative Schufa entry is German banks, do most difficult credit without Schufa ‘ possible who does not know that? The washing machine breaks, pending the renovation of the apartment or car is lacking some more cash for the new request. In this case, loans are an often used solution to do the upcoming investment. Want to take out a loan in Germany is however before the banks and credit institutions a Schufa information obtained. This fails however negatively for the applicants on the basis of lack of credit in the past, the faces are once long and big disappointment. But this must not be, people with a sufficient credit rating can obtain loans and emergency loans without Schufaauskunft lenders from abroad. There are also requirements to the borrowers such as E.g. a steady income, the lender from abroad (often with the Switzerland-based) but are as regards the creditworthiness in the Schufa holding back.

A such intermediaries for fast credits without Schufa is e.g. the company Bon credit. Requirements for a loan without Schufa Bon credit are as follows: the age of the applicant must be between 18 and 75 years of age, the applicant requires a residence in Germany and must have a steady income. This applies to E.g. workers, civil servants and pensioners and self-employed. Persons who do not have a regular income, like E.g.

unemployment, Hartz IV recipients, entrepreneurs, housewives or students, rely on a co-applicant, which meets the above criteria. Under the above conditions, it is possible to obtain a loan despite any endorsements at the Schufa in Germany. Nothing in the way is the desired acquisition from this side.

What Can Be Observed When A Money Lending?

Money lending, a not so simple theme just the topic of money lending is extremely critical to look at. Money-lending comes in many forms. Whether shortly once hundred euro borrowed from the friend, a loan at the Bank, etc. money rent goes quite quickly, but often possible consequences are forgetting. A private money lending is nothing more than a loan that is offered by a private individual. The advantages of a private money lending to make very tempting this variant from the first moment. Interest rates are significantly lower and in some cases does not exist at all and the creditworthiness requirements much easier made than would be the case with banks. Many credit providers interested parties present signed himself made which by far is, but not while binding so profound was worked out like at a banking company.

Yet, despite these overwhelming advantages, such an offer is really safe? Borrowers can login in various portals and a description of their person and the ideas specify with regard to the loan. These descriptions are published on the platform of the Portales, so this information for all user accessible. Lenders have so with whom they wish to join the free choice in connection, as lenders are free to support those interested in what is the sum. Some few portals have inspired by building the eBay platform and offer their creditors with regard to the interest each other to undercut the possibility. Consumer watchdogs bother in periodically and the results to inform their readers to test various credit providers such as the Consumer Council and the magazine Finanztest himself.

To borrow the money from individuals is a good variation to the banks and brings presents a number of advantages. But a certain degree of caution is also in this form of credit and the credit provider should be checked if possible before graduating. So avoid unpleasant consequences and fraud detected. (C). Sharif

Dubious Business Practices

What tricks Kreditsuchenden with Schufaproblemen is moved the money out of your pocket. People who fall for loan scammers, often have a long Odyssey behind. No database and no mortgage brokers wanted to or could approve the desired credit. Even experts for loans despite Schufa or loan without Schufa credit application was rejected. There are then glad to have found a credit provider, which apparently wants to do without all the cumbersome formalities and nevertheless grant a loan on the Internet or by newspaper advertisement.

Credit without credit check or proof of income, credit without Schufa in any amount, credit for unemployment and Hartz IV recipients or even credit without credit or income, with such or similar slogans speak rogue traders their target audience to people who can get no credit or no credit at the desired height in reality. Neither of these forms of credit is possible. Despite a Swiss credit without Schufa or a credit Schufa held a credit check. Loans whatsoever are only granted if the borrower has sufficient safe income to the return of the loan. Unemployment and Hartz IV recipients have therefore no credit. At best, it is possible that third solvent persons take a loan for them.

Because rogue traders promise loans, which can never convey it, or assign, they must ask their victims to the cashier before their inability is blown. Therefore they require initial costs, often disguised as expenses or travel expenses. Initial costs are an unmistakable sign that one has to do it with black sheep or fraudsters. Is collected only, and then it turns out that the credit unfortunately but not can be deployed despite all efforts. Reputable mortgage brokers specialising in entry, including to Swiss credit without Schufa or loans despite Schufa, are never costs or commissions prior to the legal conclusion of the Credit agreement require. Rogue traders in the credit industry are very imaginative.