Banks Of Spain

The Bank of Spain or the Spanish central bank is a banking financial institution as its name implies created in principle and private real cash in the eighteenth century more accurately in 1782. This entity in its early days was not listed as a national bank, as this was dedicated to managing and controlling the actual funds managed by King Carlos III, so it was private. It is worth mentioning that this bank before taking the bank name of Spain was called San Carlos bank. In 1783 the bank of St. Charles began to circulate the first notes called bonds, which had a cash value bearer was designed only for the same bank, it is important that this process lasted until the Spanish Civil War which hindered and began to generate losses for years to come, to the extent that the bank manager, the illustrious Francisco Carrabus payment six years jail for such losses. Years later appear in the other major banks banking market which meant for Bank of San Fernando, former San Carlos, named because of the reform that King Ferdinand VII conducted in 1829, a major competition since these new banks also had the ability to create paper money and place in the country market . The next big step came in 1847 was where the bank of Elizabeth II and the San Fernando bank joined or merged, in order to save the latter from bankruptcy. The objective was achieved very satisfactorily and that not only prevent the disappearance of San Fernando bank, but also gave the creation of the San Fernando Spanish bank, which some years later in 1856 would more accurately be the new bank Spain, which remains to this day.

At present the importance of the Bank of Spain lies in the number of functions that this should be done to maintain the stability not only at Spanish but much of the economic stability of Europe, among these we highlight some important features such as: Provide necessary advice to the government or that this requires. Provide treasury services and financial agent in the public debt. Promote and stimulate the functioning of debt payments. Issue the Spanish legal currency. Make the exchange legally. Monitor, analyze and stimulate economic movements made by other entities to which the bank must monitor. Develop, publish and specify the economic indices of the bank, in order to ensure the free functioning of the stock market. Although there are other very important functions that revolve around the bank of Spain, as mentioned above said are just some of the most important and widely recognized today. It is proper to mention when we talk of the bank of Spain, the contributions to this place in public appearances, as among some of the most commonly performed by that bank are the financial advisory conferences and this makes the general public, in order that this is more involved in economic processes in order to achieve economic growth by stimulating investment.