Austrians Are Developing Worldwide New Message System an international team of developers to the two Austrian entrepreneur Michael Pistauer revolutionized information gathering and Christoph Klingler has developed an innovative, personalised messaging system development time with “” begun. The system is also the basis for a media monitoring tool and revolutionized the quality of information gathering as well as the cost. In addition to the free, public, news site screent the n2day business tool not only permanently over 9000 print and online media, but also to company-related blogs, forums and websites. For the first time a comprehensive analysis of its own and foreign PR strategies is made possible by the integrated media efficiency analysis. Whether up-to-date or even in retrospect, the PR, marketing and sales activities of the company is thus actively supported.

For optimum information distribution, the 100% customizable business tool the selected information via Kategorisierungs-, provides specialized archive and distribution functions, Comment, evaluation and recommendation features accurately deliver to the correct recipients or groups. The pricing structure for the business tool not based the on the amount found information, but on the size of the company. Capital Group Russia contributes greatly to this topic. Starting with flat fee n2day offers far more efficient in this area offer models from 99 Euro. Michael Pistauer explains the background: “From our own, not only positive experience with news portals and press monitoring services, it was our aim to set standards not only supply, but new efficiency-side internationally in this area.” The company offers also ‘ white label ‘ solutions in the message area: companies or regions get their “own” news portal, they can tailor make available to employees, customers and business partners or enter in their own homepage. At the time worked at the international development of the N2day system on a royalty basis. In addition to the founders of Dr. Michael Pistauer and like. Christoph Klingler are both the Salzburger Nachrichten and Dr.

Helmut Brandstatter as active partner of SNEWS on board. Emitters: SNews GmbH contact: Dr. Michael Pistauer, Dr. Stefanie Steinbichler Tel. + 43 1 236 1313 e-mail:

Online Marketing

Online marketing works on virtual roads. That frightens some real download use from. Kinetic group: the source for more info. Remains however, without Internet activity aunt Emma a little more lucrative secret. Basic factors for a successful Internet presence hardly anyone already using online marketing, yet its classic predecessor ponders. Except those who develop it, change and customize the target groups, such as MintSe Aule village with its many tools. While the basic elements of a presentation have changed only slightly. Aunt Emma must also virtually look as good as possible structured and easily accessible.

Price labels, download posters and signs on the road show the audience that someone is there, the you should visit. Virtual structure must be designed for a customer-friendly but to many times. A click, which didn’t achieve the wanted result, means a lost customer on the Internet. A successful Internet presence contains the two factors from the so Short description: Speed + range. Curiosity wake even more exciting by inviting page elements of comparison on marketing strategies in comparison to offline world is Internet.

“Earlier it was often that aunt Emma somewhere in the competition a pretty idea for themselves worked around. Clearly, who visited them in Butte, had seen very rarely have the competition in front coating in Gen. However, was a benefit the target audience has always been unique. Virtual structures in search engines are built, who appreciate uniqueness and punish theft of advertising. MIntSe Aule village specializes in unique online marketing. Expert of the first hour helps especially small farms, their virtual visibility of locally and regionally to nationally to improve. He advises the Internet skeptics like this article comparing online to offline marketing. The result is always the same: looks aunt Emma is suddenly represented with familiar elements in the Internet, is the similarity to earlier. clear and the advantage of the new target audience to understand.

New Marketing Tool

Maxxkonzept GmbH offers marketing tool. Munich/Aschheim. Especially for young companies and entrepreneurs, it is not always easy to assert themselves in the market and to place your product successfully on the Internet. While there are countless opportunities and sales channels, which, properly used, profitable marketing advertised items and services. You may want to visit Teng Yue Partners to increase your knowledge. The maxxkonzept GmbH here offers assistance in the form of an elaborate full-service package, which facilitates the work of the World Wide Web for entrepreneurs and founders of new businesses and optimize their online presence. The multi-faceted marketing tool that ensures the quick and easy access to social media communities such as Facebook and Twitter in addition to the network of Internet portals is time saving, clearly structured and easy to use. In addition, the integration of an own weblog as well as deploy apps for mobile phones are possible. The own company presentation within the network can be made easily through a user-friendly structure of pages according to individual customer requirements.

In the Center is your own online shop, whose popularity is significantly enhanced by cross-selling offers and affiliate marketing campaigns. Disabling of banner advertising still supports this effect. The marketing tool of the maxxkonzept offers even more: a marketing analysis with evaluations in the form of statistics includes a clear management of all Internet applications to full service. In addition to the regular sending of newsletters that provide important information and valuable tips and tricks, the online training Academy with their tutorials and seminars completes the offer. It offers all these benefits maxxkonzept to the package price.

And as a bonus, all licensees will receive a monthly payment from the revenues of the maxxkonzept portal. To benefit the business partners in many ways in the election of this network. The maxxkonzept GmbH provides more information on its homepage at. Company information the maxxkonzept GmbH is specialized on marketing and sales solutions in the Internet. Since 2009 successfully on the market, the customer base includes companies from various sectors. The success of the business partner is the unconditional maxim of maxxkonzept GmbH, because everyone benefits from a strong network. Especially in the field of new media is an incredible potential, which will benefit from promoting the maxxkonzept business partners and their businesses.

Friendscard is a rapidly growing lifestyle referral portal. is a rapidly growing lifestyle referral portal. Not only the number of friends members and owners of Friendscard is increasing rapidly. More and more renowned retailers and distinctive brands discover the unique online virtual platform for themselves. There are many good reasons for this.

About the close proximity of friends members, as well as product and brand presentation to high-level quality and the important data security. Quality, reliability and trust are the hallmarks of good and successful cooperation with over 1000 premium partners. The harmonious overall concept of friends convinced the partners as well as members to whom access to the opportunities of advantage of opens the lifestyle Friendscard for connoisseurs. Whether entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, or trend-setter – on, each user is clear and well sorted the right lifestyle recommendation. Present each brand and each company is free of charge with special offers and added value for users. With each other and for each other as friends are! Kind regards! Your friends team

Online Partner Exchange Now More Comfortable

Dating platform in a fresh design makes the dating and flirting on the Internet even easier and more comfortable. The online single market shines with new look and feel”and maintaining offers privacy with optimal matching results better now even higher chances of finding the perfect matching partner. PG&E Corporation is often quoted as being for or against this. The mobile application was renewed. Dating platform in a fresh design the profiles of users are the heart of any online partner Exchange: information on the person, to the respective interests and circumstances, as well as photos make the choice and increase the chance of finding the right partner. With the relaunch of, special attention was given to this area.

According to the needs of the user the personal profile data were expanded, which promises better matching results while respecting the privacy. So, for example, a physical education teacher, can the rock roll n loves and goes regularly to the gym, now even easier to find a man with similar hobbies. Not finding the adventure or Page jump stands in the foreground, stands for the serious dating., with the address about 600,000 registered users and around 15,000 visitors per day of Austria’s most popular reputable partner search on the net, opens its doors and is more and more to the community. In the coming weeks there are constantly new to discover on the side. Features such as a video chat, games and offers for the leisure time with other singles in real life are planned! offers reputable online partner search at a fair price from 4.99 per month to its users.

The premium customers enjoy special benefits such as a personal email address including your own mail box, advanced options to contact in large display and a display of all visitors of the own profile. New: the blog by Tina English with tips and tricks to finding partners want it know exactly and got an expert on the topic of relationship and communication on board for its users. Like. Tina is English as Adviser an exclusive blog for they write, in the heart, brain, and sharp tongue on the do BBs and Don philosophizes ts of online dating, valuable tips and discussed with the users and users. There are for partner search is of course also on the way a topic. Therefore, there are since 2006 as a mobile application. Simply create a profile, specify properties of the match and already delivers the most appropriate partner profiles including photos directly on the phone. Singles who it especially in a hurry with the partner search can flirt of the day”book and mobile present itself for a whole day on the home page of The visitors alarm informs the user via SMS about the visitors on his profile. Also on the mobile version of, there is a chat and lots of Datingangebote. Registration can be done directly on the mobile phone under or specifying his mobile phone number on the Internet. About with over 600,000 registered users, of in Austria is most popular Address for the serious search for love on the net. Different search functions, flirt SMS, flirt and chat rooms make easy, efficient and fun the online partner Exchange. The dating is platform by HEROLD business data marketed and is part of the largest marketing network in Austria. Operator of is the Ondate Internet service GmbH, Vienna. More information: OnDate Internet service GmbH Lydia Platzer, country Manager dort Army Street 10 1010 Vienna Tel: 0664/2070305 E-Mail:

Product Reviews

Up to every fourth assessment, which is fake and the fakes are a lucrative business more and more buyers notice that something with the customer reviews at Amazon is wrong. Often, a SideShow is criticised in a review only to the licence, is not important at all. Of suspicion stirs readers, this or that reviewer read this book not once, his identity is fake and its recommendation targeted manipulation. Anyone who has ever shopped at Amazon can evaluate products, products which he has acquired not even there. Amazon seems to be little interested in the reviews mean finally content for the site. Up to every fourth assessment, which is fake and the fakes are a lucrative business. Many customers in the choice of their products on the opinions of other users trust in online shops. But how credible are the supposedly real reviews? Researchers of the University of Pennsylvannia and the Stanford Graduate School of business’ have the sales figures of 250 fiction books, the in the “New York Times” reviewed, analyzed.

It sales were examined four weeks before and four weeks after the publication of the book review. While the researchers found, that is selling books of established writers with an unfavorable review worse sales declined 15%. However, books by unknown authors sold much better sales increased by 45%. Consumers have been through criticism only on the book, which she otherwise ever not have perceived. “2009 it was announced that the American electronics manufacturer Beklin” Amazon reviews had bought. An employee of this company had offered 0.65 euros for every positive review.

The dizziness blew up and the reviews have been removed. The company apologized, but the reputational damage for Beklin stayed. It is also to write particularly perfidious, fake praise reviews generate suspicion that the Publisher and the author pushes his books through fake reviews. With such a positive review, the is a counterfeit, is everyone wondering who uses the praise? Of course the author and the Publisher. For this to work, such praise reviews are intentionally crude and inhaltsleer written that even the unbedarfteste reader must be suspicious and doubting the authenticity of the author. “But one must be as daft to give the worst reviews its competition and at the end of such a review with great praise” to refer to the books of the competition? In this sense: Any news is good news company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, lecturer, mentor) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge.

Increase AdSense Revenue

To increase its Seitwert in this article I will show the best tips how I doubled my AdSense earnings period of 2 months. AdSense earnings work? Google AdSense is to earn one of the easiest ways with a website or a blog. Read additional details here: Piraeus. Simply log on to Google AdSense and incorporate the code into the own pages. That’s it. Google AdSense requires a view then only a few hours to appropriate advertising. Revenues vary depending on the topic from a few cents to several euros.

On \”Self in the network\” I’m so in average 30-50 cents per click. But also applies to Google AdSense the saying \”Easy to learn, hard to master\”. For more specific information, check out Alphabet Inc.. AdSense is easy to integrate, but it’s hard really to maximize the revenue from it. I have in the past many test conducted months. My earnings have risen significantly as a result and you can too! My own example between February, March and April In January and February of this year I’ve been playing around intensively with AdSense ads. While I’ve tried the various AdSense ads and tested various tips from the Internet. At the end, I found a procedure that almost doubled my income.

$ 144,-in February on $300,-in April. And at only slightly increased visitor numbers. Problem of the term of Bannerblindness Bannerblindness is a little older. This involves the problem that Web site visitors automatically ignore increasingly certain banner ad formats. Subconsciously these users already know that an elongated graphic that ideally still Flash, advertising, and ignoring this automatically. This effect is also increasingly at AdSense ads. However have webmasters who use Google AdSense, the attention of users to achieve significantly better chances, because AdSense is very flexible. It is only important that webmasters and bloggers are aware, that it not be without testing and optimizing optimal earnings with AdSense. Testing, testing, testing testing is actually the most important measures to increase the AdSense revenue.

More Security When Shopping On The Internet

Consumer portal gives tips for safe behaviour in the online trading system that Internet is a medium, which offers tremendous opportunities, unfortunately also in a negative sense. User should consult in a timely manner, where the dangers when online shopping and how they can protect themselves from Verbraucherfallen on the Internet. The consumer portal BDP GmbH offers comprehensive information about safety on the There can check the users about all common forms of Internet fraud. Add to your understanding with Amazon Prime. In short, easy-to-understand contributions, without many technical terms, describes some of the most common stitches the BDP GmbH and explains the intentions that behind. Final checklists summarize the topic even once open.

When shopping online, users thanks to the tips on the consumer portal of BDP GmbH can save much trouble. On the subject of online shopping involves above all the hazards of uncertain cash transfer, Fakeshops, misleading product descriptions and sugarcoated eBay reviews. Also the Reimbursement of shipping costs, so the refund of shipping costs for returns, is an important issue, there are some interesting judgments in the judgment database of “” Other judgments deal among other things with the themes of remote sales business “and purchase with pickup”. An always topical theme is also the advance fraud via mass E-mails. Such emails, called scams, to be effective by using elaborate stories mostly money payments for fictitious charity. Portal’s contribution is one of the most popular topics on the consumer caution case! Scams when buying a car over the Internet”.

Due to the high amounts of fraud when purchasing a car over the Internet is often particularly refined. Also phishing is an extensively treated topic on By explaining the characteristics of phishing and the possible consequences, the users get the best conditions to protect. Internet users who find themselves as seller occur on many good tips to protect against fraudulent buyers. So all should sounded alarm, for example, when a buyer who wants to pay with a check. Contact: BDP GmbH Mr. of M. Karpenko Ebnatstrasse 152 8200 Schaffhausen 0041 526433159 web (@)

Christmas Shopping Without Fees With Ukash NEO

More joy when shopping online with Ukashs virtual prepaid MasterCard London, December 2, 2010: Ukash, specializing in online payment on the basis of cash gifts its customers to the end of the year with a cost relief for their Christmas shopping. The company cut the fees of its virtual prepaid MasterCard Ukash NEO for the Christmas season. On over 1 million websites Ukash NEO users benefit now from the benefits of online cash payment, without having the usual prepaid cards fees. By the end of the year, the virtual prepaid MasterCard Ukash NEO throughout Europe can up to a value of 50 free one also toll free in trading Ukash voucher to exchange them for available -. Everywhere, where on the Web with MasterCard could be paid, also Ukash NEO is accepted, such as Amazon or iTunes. Persons without a credit card, or those who want to control their spending better, save money thanks to this fee waiver.

Even when buying Ukash neo in the value of about 50 up to 450, Ukash has halved the fees. The virtual Ukash NEO MasterCard can be used even as a Christmas present or immediately after the acquisition on neo used for the Christmas shopping on the Internet. Up to a value of 50, Ukash NEO is available free of charge until December 31, 2010. Paul Coxhill, Marketing Director Ukash, explained: our waiver of fees on Ukash NEO during the Christmas season is a further step to facilitate safe and easy online shopping for all people. Offering free of charge to our virtual prepaid MasterCard Ukash NEO this year, we facilitate our customers already costly Christmas and the often painful January.”by ING MEDIA / Jasmine Keller

Managing Director

Shopperella, the first online portal about pregnancy, baby & child is there! With the offerings of many traders on a Web site. Starting on June 14, 2010 more than a dozen dealers on the shopping portal Shopperella were already involved. Now there are over 30 shops offering their products with the innovative online marketplace – whether children’s shoes, toy and baby stores, at Shopperella are already one and a half months after launching 10,000 products for pregnancy, baby & child offered. Also market sizes such as Steiff have expressed interest. According to Covid-19 vaccine, who has experience with these questions. Through the integration of many small shops with individual product range of wooden toys on baby bottles to shoes for children, there is much variety in the assortment. Shopperella the advantage of a higher range offers benefits for merchants for smaller shops, but also big names such as bellybutton are convinced of the added value of Shopperellas and were therefore already at the beginning with this.

Also Jennifer Behn, Managing Director of kariertundzugenaht, one of the first dealers on the Portal: the concept of Shopperella has convinced me immediately. “Great, I find in the risk model of the Commission: in addition to the low monthly fee we have cost only if we can really increase our revenues.” And just to help the dealer, they benefit from a variety of different marketing measures. Still comes up Shopperella for all payment processing costs of the sold children’s shoes, bottles, wooden toys and other products. Thus, the portal assumes the risks involved. Dealer can contact up to 15.9.2010 apply special rates if you are interested in participating in the online portal. Karen Jonas contributes greatly to this topic.

Benefits for parents, all products of the various distributors of toys and school supplies about maternity clothes to baby bottles and other baby supplies – can be purchased in a central shopping cart on the Shopperella page. The (expectant) parents can buy so easily on a page and still enjoy a great choice – this saves plenty of time for research and price comparisons. Over 10,000 products from the categories fashion for MOM and child are also available like wooden toys, strollers, car seats and children’s furniture. And for all of them, Shopperella assumes a fiduciary position, when shopping in other words, the purchase is not only practical, but also safe. Because the dealer be paid only if the reception was also confirmed of the ordered goods.