Cologne Personalberatung Of KCP Executives Opens Office In Saarbrucken

Focuses on executive search/direct sourcing, interim management, Web-based personnel assessment, compensation consulting, personnel leasing and management consulting Cologne/Saarbrucken, traditional application process cost too much money, July 14, 2008 are usually very time-consuming and ineffective. More and more companies abandon the recruitment after scheme F and rely on Web-based solutions. The Cologne recruitment of KCP executives has now successfully placed on the market the originating from our own development product of Concludis ( This is to an online applicant management system including online assessment Center. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Anne Lauvergeon. In July 2008, we have taken another step and opened the KCP-solutions in Saarbrucken under the head of the personnel expert Marion Moser. If you would like to know more about Lucas Bitencourt, then click here. Our product of Concludis streamlined recruitment processes and the pre-selection by an E-assessment fair and comprehensible”, explains Marc Emde, owner and partner of KCP executives. Over a time, companies started with Concludis and Cost savings of up to 80 percent. The Cologne Personalberatung of KCP executives had already opened an additional Office in Saarbrucken at the beginning of the year.

Gerald Wertatschitsch perceives the head in the State capital of the Saarland. Also in Saarbrucken we offer our proven range of services”, said Edmonds. We put in our new Office on executive search/direct sourcing, interim management, Web-based personnel assessment, compensation consulting and management consulting. In addition, our team in the Saarland offers still staff leasing for business and technical professionals and executives. Since the opening of our offices we have positioned ourselves also in Saarbrucken as a reliable partner of known brands.” Saarbrucken Office: Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 3a 66115 Saarbrucken FON: 0049 (0) 681-7535-896-fax: 0049 (0) 681-7559-478 mobile: 0049 (0) 177 6786 336 email: Web: contact person: Marc Emde Tel: 02203 9899 068 E-Mail: Ansgar Lange – E-Mail: Tel. 0228 6204384

Angel RT Training

The Ferrari in the staff development an outdoor training takes place outside the usual environment of most workers in the natural and ipso creates openness and tense curiosity for what will follow the participants. This is good base for learning new. With all senses other than traditional seminars or indoor training contents in an outdoor training not only about the hearing and seeing, but with all your senses perceived personal development. This learned shapes up is better and also more often gets stimuli on various channels of perception and new reminds. At an outdoor training, the participants include not only new with all your senses, but are also still active. Test different solutions directly into practice, in an outdoor training and win their own experiences in gefahrlosem environment. (He) three who collected new evidence will in this way to learn through their own experience faster and deeper into your own behavior inventory lift itself Ferrari learning effect adopted as the theoretical content is mediated.

Thus, the success of learning is enhanced. After each outdoor training module a seasoned outdoor a conversation coach leads the participants to the reflection and to the transfer of learning in professional life. This is a further guarantee for the success of this measure of human resources development, and leadership development. What content can be arranged particularly well in an outdoor training and further how an outdoor training ensures sustainable learning success, Center outdoor training to learn a detailed post in the competence. Links: to post “outdoor training learning effect high three” experts by I.O. BUSINESS for outdoor training – more information about outdoor management development – if you want to replace with an expert on the topic of outdoor training, please take contact to us on.

Fire Protection Officer

House of technology offers a seminar with fire protection technical ascent of the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke at the constant innovations in fire and explosion protection on June 2, 2010 it require that educate themselves to also fire protection officer at regular intervals and inform. So, the new vfdb Directive 12/01 requires a regular training of fire officers. Here, the time interval between two training courses may not exceed three years! The knowledge and skills of the fire protection supervisor are brought in the HDT-day event on June 2, 2010 up to date; reports on current legal and technical developments in the preventive fire protection, the recent loss events are analysed and taken. The issue of fire protection management you are familiarized with the systematic approach in preventive fire protection. Thus coherent, the required documentation in the fire is went through again. The seminar will begin in the HDT in Essen. In the afternoon, a fire protection technical finds Committing the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke under the leadership of the professional firefighters of Gelsenkirchen took place. The event is a training for fire protection officer, also addressed all fire managers from industry, Commerce and administration, specialists for occupational safety, head of planning engineers, building authorities, insurance professionals and other interested parties.

The detailed event programme of technology e. V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 get interested in the House or fax 0201/1803-346 or directly under here, there are also all the information about the course “Training in fire safety” (upcoming April 19-24, 2010 in Berlin and 14-19 June 2010 in Essen). Dipl..

Technology Conference Attractive

House of Technology Conference ‘Magnetic materials for technical applications’ on the 25th 26.02.2014 in food relating to the topics smart materials, energy efficiency and innovations in driveline and sensor technology, often provide the basis for news and updates magnetic materials. The developments in the field of high-performance magnetic materials have resulted in numerous innovations in the most diverse applications in recent years. Basis of new magnetic components the importance of these new materials has resulted in magnetic systems, nuclear materials and coating systems in many areas. Only the electric motor development, the development of sensor and information storage are examples. The development and will increase further the range of applications in the automotive sector to the electrification of the vehicle. Thus, knowledge about the versatility of the new high-performance magnetic materials can be a competitive advantage. Alphabet Inc. is full of insight into the issues. The seminar of magnetic materials for technical applications”by the Essen Haus der Technik offers the opportunity to be in compressed form on the current status of the development of magnetic material to bring. Leading experts from universities and business leaders as well as technical director of magnetic material are available in the Haus der Technik as speakers at the disposal companies.

Topic contents range from the theoretical foundations of design and numerous applications. This year will be reported again the raw materials (rare earth metals) and their availability. The event performed for many years with great success on magnetic materials serves as a platform for exchanges between designers, developers of circuit and material producers. It is practically a must-have”for anyone who comes into contact with magnetic materials. You can’t find more competent professionals and more know-how in Germany”, as a former participant. Information and the detailed event programme of technology e.V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 (woman’s Meadow), 0201/1803-346 fax or on the Internet will get interested in the House under W-H010-02-326-4 Dipl.-ing. Kai banks man

Career In The Middle Of Life: In The Profession Successfully Be And Remain

The receipt and the motivation of staff qualified and efficient C3.NET: wholeness training as a building block of life phase-oriented personnel policy in a globalised and knowledge-based work environment for the competitiveness of enterprises are increasingly gaining importance. This applies in particular for staff members in the middle of life, which so far could making a success of their career, which now are carriers of know-how within the company and essential part of the human capital. But just in this stage of life, doubts about the own goals, values, and the achievements often incite a latent discontent. It applies to such cases on the part of the personnel management with assistance such as a targeted coaching to counteract. Here is re-start “where a news C3.NET of seminars, addressed as a component of a life phase-oriented personnel policy in particular to senior executives in the midst of life.

Designed by personal trainers and communications specialists developed a two-week program, the as holistic training combines the areas of heart / cardiovascular training, targeted communication and meditation. What you know as a midlife crisis, has nothing pathological in itself, even if questions can assume critical trains after the meaning in work and private life. It is part of the normal development in the personal curriculum vitae. But the company should support its employees in an active engagement with these life issues. This is the solution for such existential questions not in changing the outer circumstances but in an inner re-orientation.

Target must be free to use new powers through an internal restructuring. For permanent excellence are not self-evident and requiring the disposition of forces. Who wants to achieve its goals well beyond the 40 both professionally and personally, which called for still much. For this, he must be at peace with. To avoid is that demand, excessive demands, from exhaustion will collapse. Her career is not similar to a Marathon race, where a goal achieved at the same time is the end. Just when it is reached, the forces need to join to go again motivated at the start for new tasks. Otherwise, target achievement is synonymous with crash. Who climbs the ladder of success with substance-sapping effort, has used what it needs above still. Reserves arise only because of the harmony of body, mind and soul and a relaxation related. You provide the necessary security to knowing more afford to be able to meet the challenges. And they create the necessary balance to combine sustainable professional personal quality of life. “More information about re-start m – life and success training” are on the Web at or via the C3.NET-Partner training team North, 04532-284 3828, phone to get. C3.NET combines the skills of human resources management and training as a consultant network with internal and external communications management to a range of integrated services. At the heart of the C3.NET Modular offerings are activities to accompany the processes of change against the background of demographic change. For additional questions regarding this press release please contact Rainer Stubenvoll, C3.NET, via E-mail c3net.presse(at)

Finally Fun In Learning

New innovative method for sustainable learning by Horst J. For more information see this site: The Great Courses. Heinrich Maxime of the Lerntrainings: with MOTIVATION to succeed. Networked learning in networks learn by Horst Jurgen Heinrich is a simple, quick and easy way of learning. In a short time and with very great success of learning large amounts of information can be securely stored and easily recalled. The topics of education and learning to move the public debate. How about learning would not only duty and torment? If learning was fun? If the learner, no matter what age and be gabung a tool at the disposal would be, can learn quickly, easily and effectively? Motivation is the practice of Horst j. Heinrich turns exactly these questions.

As a teacher and father, he knew what frustration can bring learning and especially the failure in learning with them. His goal was to develop a method that had to be simple, applicable and sustainable, to exist in everyday life. So he developed his learning training networked learning – in networks learn. What is networked learning? Networked learning is a Lerntrainingsprogramm that leverages various learning methods and techniques. The sensational new: Heinrich developed an association – whipped and everyday method of quickly and effectively applicable.

The learner navigates over schaubaren, known to him learning networks, are placed in the information to learners. Pictorial links be established and incorporated as building blocks in the memory. The success of the networked learning is double success and motivation to learn. As studies and evaluations have shown, the learned information are stored securely. Tests, the learned knowledge for one after four weeks and after longer periods from tested, showed: the learned knowledge had solidified. The good feeling of achievement is, boosts self-confidence and whets the appetite for more! Just published his book “Keys to successful learning”. There is an understandable explanation of the basics of learning and leads step by step to the Method of networked learning on the basis of the space network a, so that first basic and profound learning can take place. To the person: Horst j. Heinrich, born in 1946, teaches at a primary school and Hauptschule in Upper Bavaria. He engaged in for many years the subject of learning and its practicability in education and teaching. He gives seminars for teachers, students and parents, and also in the private sector. His project “networked learning in networks learn” was nominated under the aegis of Annette Schavan 2007 for the “German Innovation Prize for sustainable education and training”.

Launch Of New Apprentices

“Let BBs start” it means the 01.08.2011 for new trainees of TEC Unna AG reinforcement for the team of the TEC Unna AG. The new trainees with her training as a wholesale and foreign trade merchandiser or warehouse logistics specialists will start on August 1, 2011. Traditionally, there was a special day even before the start of training in August 2011. The new trainees were welcomed along with their parents. After a presentation by the trainees of the 2nd academic and the welcome by the human resources manager Nives Heumann, there was a tour of the company in which the recruits got a glimpse in their new life.

“We want to offer our students an excellent base for the professional requirements of the future. It is not only the professional qualification in the foreground. We focus also on key skills such as responsibility, teamwork, personal initiative, and social skills”, says HR Director Nives Heumann from the TEC Unna AG. Application startup for 2012 let BBs Start! The application process for the training start of 2012 has already begun. Interested students can apply in writing for one of the attractive and sought-after training places as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant or specialist for warehouse logistics. See, all questions are on the topic of application and training”answered directly. More information about TEC Unna AG at about the egvgroup food is our business grew, the egvgroup – in the tradition of the egvgroup through customer-oriented services and modern concepts to one of the leading corporate groups of German food wholesale developed. The future-oriented service of fresh and GV wholesale company is committed to the task, to anticipate the trends and developments of the large consumer market and efficiently in the interests of the customers.

Extreme Sports Speaker

“‘break your limits’-the new audiobook skydiver Norman books break your limits” presentations by keynote speakers and skydiver Norman titles books. The findings of his adventures have been published now up-to-date as an audiobook in the Gabal Verlag. To push his own limits, and over and over again to define motivation and challenge is at the same time for the adventurer from the extreme sports. He passed through, inter alia, the Atacama desert and Australian outback, runs marathons and ultra marathons for over ten years. He shares this extreme limits and the resulting insights and experiences from his sport in his latest audiobook and his lectures. Regardless of whether a critical sales presentation or an important exam is imminent, employees for the year-end spurt, a marathon of companies should be motivated, or whether a new vision in the company must be implemented. In professional life, same regularities and success principles apply as in extreme sports.

Always it comes up Properties such as courage, enthusiasm, stamina and performance. Ultra Runner, speaker, and extreme athlete Norman presents books motivation factors in his speeches and in his audio book, which lead to success in the world of an extreme athlete, as well as in professional and everyday life. Because: Extreme succeed when your own boundaries are moved and thus redefined services, in sports and in professional life. The lectures and the Audiobook of the extreme sportsman find books Norman readers how important it is to set big goals. Goals that almost deliberately chosen seem unattainable. The motivation expert is convinced that only almost unrealistic goals can lead to true great successes, because an automatic limit function is carried out by a realistic goal.

The setting are more important success factors in addition to the proper definition of the objectives, the claim itself selbsr the imagination, an optimal preparation of all projects and especially the absolute willingness to leave his own comfort zones. In Addition to his audio book published weekly tips motivational speaker and ultra – marathon runner on his Facebookprofil. His exceptional motivation tips give many lively examples of extreme sports and stimulate, as this experience can be used in the daily routine of business for more stamina and endurance. His running tips information about training methods, training time and the ideal diet for runners and other athletes. The 5 star speakers and adventurer has tried all the tips even under the most extreme conditions and applied and it passes with enthusiasm and conviction to his listeners and fans. More about Norman books: Norman books is runner from passion. At the age of 22, he ran his first marathon a year later for the first time the 100 km of Biel/Bienne. As a 29 year old he successfully finished the longest and most demanding extreme mountain run in Europe, the ultra trail you Mont Blanc (166 km and 9,400 metres of altitude). For over ten years He now runs marathons and ultra marathons and meets the most extreme sporting challenges. 2012 graduated from the spectacular extreme skiing run to the rock: 1,120 km in 15 days through the Australian outback. He works speakers nationally and internationally as a motivational speaker and motivational speaker agency 5 star.