What Businesses Need

You took a serious decision to become a successful Internet businessman. I shake your hand, a colleague – is the right decision at 100%! First, let’s get acquainted. My name is Julia Kolesnikova I’m 23. Now dwell in the glorious city of Petra. I am an independent partner and investor in an international corporation. I want to share with you their knowledge and experience in doing business on the Internet. So, are you ready? Let’s go! Our today’s lesson I want to start with the truism that, nevertheless, are crucial for the future of your business. Where should you start? Here are 14 basic points, without whom today you will not be able to conduct full-fledged business in network.

Opredelites with the theme of your business. What you well understand? In what field you have experience? What can you share, to teach, what problems to solve? IMPORTANT: You will not succeed in business, which does not yet understand, do not know! Look close and familiar to you free! 2.Zapishite specific goals of your business. Why do you all picks? What do you want to achieve? If you want money, write down the exact figure: how much do you want to get your business day, week, month, year? If you want fame and recognition, determine what it means for you specifically? Article about you in the well-known business magazines? Recognition on the street? NOTE: Objectives need to be sure to write on paper! Otherwise, from They sense a zero! Study the literature on your topic. To be always on horseback, and the latest trends, must continuously learn, gain new knowledge.

4. Buy a domain level 2 for your site! IMPORTANT: Businessmen in the free hosting look silly and ridiculous! Business requires investment, albeit small, but the investment! Make your website. Now there are many programs for creating websites that do not require general knowledge of the language html. If you can work in Word, then these programs will learn in no time! Start a blog. IMPORTANT: Direct communication with your audience – the success of your business! Write interesting articles, reviews, reviews on their business. Make a small mailing list for the visitors. Do competent paid and free advertising of your project. Closely monitor the results. Adjust their actions. Experiment looking for new ideas. Constantly (!) Read, listen, you will find information on your topic! Maintain your motivation: – visit the training in personal growth – study achievements of others in their field – keep a positive attitude – believe in yourself – create proper environment. It is these pillars and built a successful business. A solid foundation – the main part of the building! The next time we’ll talk to you about the current trends of business on the Internet.

Romantic Coast

For all the lovers of navigation, the news of the opening of the new international port of cruises of Tianjin has been received with a great emotion. As of this moment, this destiny will be inescapable crossroads for the cruises that border the Asian coasts. The city of Tianjin has become the new marine heart of Asia. After a whole year of arduous works and preparations for all the tastes, the new international port of cruises has entered service. As it could not be of another way, and still more after all the money and time inverted in the work, this port has happened to appear like one of most important of the northern part of China and between greatest of all the continent.

As far as its physical characteristics, the port extends 625 M.s, which is going to allow to him to welcome two ships of cruises of simultaneous way, offering therefore the possibility of doubling the ship traffic of the cruises in the Far East. Between his comforts, it has the capacity to receive 4,000 travellers, which surely in a pair of years it will take, it to constitute itself like the first harbor station of all Asia. With the inauguration of these new infrastructures, the industralists of the sector have been more optimists about the future of the market of the cruises in Asia. One of the pioneers and main companies of the sector is Coast Cruises, that have wanted to give account of this important event of the universe of the cruises being associated to him through the inaugural return by Asia of their new ship, the Romantic Coast. Indeed, the fleet Coast Cruises that are in permanent communication with extreme Asia to their fleet a new ship of 53,000 tons, that can welcome 1,700 passengers and whose port of mooring is in the new international port of cruises of Tianjin. Coast Cruises is an Italian company and one of first in betting and investing in the Asian market, there for 2006. At present, the global amount of its financial contributions climb to the 50 million Euros. According to the outlined thing in its cronogram of activities so it remains of 2010, Coast Cruises has programmed ten exits of Tianjin for the Romantic Coast, in which a frequency of 120,000 passengers for the Asian destiny is stipulated. Original author and source of the article

In October

Therefore, in its evaluation, worse of the current crisis not yet passou.' ' In its catastrophic forecasts it even sobrou for Brazil: ' ' – And the recovery (of the Brazilian economy) will not only depend on what the country to make, but also on the recovery of the economy the global level. What it means to keep one active monetary politics in function of the rhythm of the economy and the behavior of inflao.' ' Although the opines ' ' contundentes' ' to say the minimum, Roubini is a voice that must be listened to. Part of its fame must it an article published in February of 2008 under the heading ' ' The risk of a sistmico financial melting: the twelve steps for the disaster financeiro' ' , in which it elencava the 12 steps that, under its judgment, the economy would give in direction global to a financial crisis. In greater or less measure, all had been marked. In October of the last year Roubini ' ' revisitou' ' its 12 steps. To follow I reproduce them as its author: ' ' First: this is worse as already it is occurring – to an intense increase of the insolvency in other forms of debt of unsafe consumption: credit cards, personal loan, credit estudantil Room: while it has a serious uncertainty how much to the losses with that monolines insuring of credit goes to ahead arcar of the unreliability of RMBs, CDO and other toxic products ABS Asset Backed Securities, it is now clearly that these bigger losses are muitssimo of what the package of 10-15 rescue billion with that the regulators are trying to patch the situation. Fifth: the market of loan of real the commercial property soon goes to try a similar melting to the one of subprime great risky and reckless part of these used to finance LBOs (Leveraged Buyout) great institutions as the insuring ones of credit, some deep hedge or a great broker of insurances can go to the bankruptcy, leading to still bigger a sistmico risk that of that they had bought insurances of counterparts that cannot pay.