In October

Therefore, in its evaluation, worse of the current crisis not yet passou.' ' In its catastrophic forecasts it even sobrou for Brazil: ' ' – And the recovery (of the Brazilian economy) will not only depend on what the country to make, but also on the recovery of the economy the global level. What it means to keep one active monetary politics in function of the rhythm of the economy and the behavior of inflao.' ' Although the opines ' ' contundentes' ' to say the minimum, Roubini is a voice that must be listened to. Part of its fame must it an article published in February of 2008 under the heading ' ' The risk of a sistmico financial melting: the twelve steps for the disaster financeiro' ' , in which it elencava the 12 steps that, under its judgment, the economy would give in direction global to a financial crisis. In greater or less measure, all had been marked. In October of the last year Roubini ' ' revisitou' ' its 12 steps. To follow I reproduce them as its author: ' ' First: this is worse as already it is occurring – to an intense increase of the insolvency in other forms of debt of unsafe consumption: credit cards, personal loan, credit estudantil Room: while it has a serious uncertainty how much to the losses with that monolines insuring of credit goes to ahead arcar of the unreliability of RMBs, CDO and other toxic products ABS Asset Backed Securities, it is now clearly that these bigger losses are muitssimo of what the package of 10-15 rescue billion with that the regulators are trying to patch the situation. Fifth: the market of loan of real the commercial property soon goes to try a similar melting to the one of subprime great risky and reckless part of these used to finance LBOs (Leveraged Buyout) great institutions as the insuring ones of credit, some deep hedge or a great broker of insurances can go to the bankruptcy, leading to still bigger a sistmico risk that of that they had bought insurances of counterparts that cannot pay.