New Foreign Dentists

Do you want: white teeth. Before: up to 4 weeks. Now: 30 min. Product: new bleach Wy 10 Power Whitening How it works: When a tooth whitening has been in vogue, then the teeth impacted peroxide solution with a rather awkward linings. Add to your understanding with Chobani Foundation. We had to go to the dentist a few times, and further manipulating at home to whiten your teeth in 4 colors. Now it's all in the past. New product Wy 10 Power Whitening promises the fastest results because in the bleaching process turns the laser.

Teeth can be whitened by 14 shades in just two 10-minute exposure during a single visit to the dentist. The solution was applied to the teeth with a special attachment, which affects laser beam. The process is then repeated. Bleach is completely harmless to the teeth and is well tolerated by sensitive teeth. Pain factor: completely absent Cost: 403 Euros Where: Budapest you would like: straighten Teeth Previously: 2 years now: 3 months Products: rectifier Inmanna. How it works: Straightening the curves of front teeth had meant to wear bracket for 2 years, or to place veneers. Now there's an alternative: Iman rectifier, which allows you to achieve the same result in just 6 – 12 weeks. Brackett composed and clear acrylic cover for the front teeth and holders that go on the back teeth. Since the pressure appears simultaneously on the front and back teeth, the straightening process is considerably accelerated. This revolutionary method of treatment was first proposed in the UK Dr.

Bristles Brush

Proposal number 2. Go shopping together and allow your child to choose 3.2 brushes from children's range. Morning and evening, give him the right to choose a toothbrush. This will distract him from the very necessity of cleaning the teeth. You may need to purchase a brush and for a favorite teddy bear or doll.

Proposal number 3. First – himself. Let your child brush your teeth himself – praising him, despite the fact that the quality of cleaning is poor. Need only agree that the mom or dad finish this operation. Or is this option: in the morning – he in the evening – one of the parents. Over time, the skills a child will get better, and your help is not needed. However, it is likely that this moment will arrive no earlier than 6 years of age, so please be patient. Some experts advise supervise children under 9 years, because did they clean sloppy, especially boys.

How often to change the child's toothbrush? Depending on the wear of the bristles, but not less frequently than once every 2 months. Otherwise, the brush will multiply quite unnecessary teeth bacteria. When buying a new brush pay attention to the small head, soft bristles and a comfortable handle profiled. Is it possible to preschooler use an electric toothbrush? Electric toothbrushes look attractive and may become a solution for the reluctance to brush your teeth, but their use does not guarantee the quality of brushing. After all, it also requires a certain skill, and do not expect that preschooler is going to clean your teeth well. Perhaps we should try a brush shestiletke, which refers to the process of care is more consciously. To begin, select low-cost model to ensure that the impact of this method of cleaning. And if the brush has passed an examination of aptitude, you can purchase the device with multiple attachments for the whole family. Parents need to remember that dental hygiene is especially important during the growth of permanent teeth, especially When their number begins to increase. Control of a dentist is a must, because the first permanent teeth are very vulnerable.