10 And Easy Ways To Rid Acne Natural Beauty

Are you looking to solve your acne with tips that really work? The good news is that if you are a teenager or an adult suffering from acne, do not have to live with it. Here you can find 10 simple and effective ways to get rid of acne. a 1. Do not pick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increase the sebum production and rupture the membranes below your skin. The infection and sebum will spread underneath the skin and cause more pimples.

In addition, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on the face. a 2. Wash your face twice a day using a suitable soap. It's even better if you can buy sulfur soap conditioning especially for acne. If your skin is very oily, it is advisable to use a soap with benzoyl peroxide. Do not use rough sponges, brushes, or something similar on your face.

But you do not drink excessively wash your face because podriaa stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, which increase your acne. a 3. Review your eating habits. For many people, food allergy can cause very serious acne. You should avoid eating too much fat and spicy food. Recent studies have shown that acne can also be caused by milk which contains hormones as well as seafood with relatively high levels of iodine. Other foods to consider avoiding are: sugar, dairy products, fried foods, meat, nut butters, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that green vegetables, foods rich in A and zinc can help alleviate acne condition. a 4. Drink more water every day. "Eight glasses of water a day may keep away acne. "Says Jennifer Thoden, an expert in acne, respected in their field. This is because water can carry waste material of our body and it really helps heal and prevent acne and asthma attacks. a 5. Do not wear makeup if possible. Makeup products can clog your pores, and this more produciraa blackheads and pimples. If you have to wear makeup, make sure it is water based. Be sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly and cleanse your skin before bedtime. a 6. Do not use oily products. Avoid products such as hair pomades, ena concentrated oil based facial moisturizers, cleansers and oils. 7. Keep your face clean. Do not rest your chin or touch your face constantly. Keep hair away from your face, especially when you sleep. a 8. Exercise constant. This helps blood circulation and eliminate toxins. a 9. Stay stress free. Studies have shown that stress not only worsens acne flare, but also worsens the skin condition in general. Talk to friends, listen to your favorite music, or a walk in the park. There are many things you can do to release stress. a 10. Get sun and fresh air. The sun promotes vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for healthy skin. The fresh air and sunshine can also reduce stress (Tip # 9) and increase oxygen in the skin. However, in no way should be left burning in the sun. To burn and tan the skin, forms a layer that does not exfoliate quickly and easily in this way can lead to blocked pores. Fabiola a Cendalesa To clean and heal your skin of acne permanently, please visit: Fabiola a Cendales is Business Administrator, an entrepreneur dedicated to electronic commerce. The theme of beauty and skin care has been one of my great passions to what I have spent countless hours of research.