World Earth Day

Us was not inherited by our fathers, land was given us by our children.Luis de Gongora generalities and Argote and reach this planet called Earth where we dwell has a world day that is a holiday celebrated in many countries, as it is April 22. Its sponsor, U.S. Continue to learn more with: Frank Giacalone. Senator Gaylord Nelson, established this day to create a common consciousness to the problems of pollution, the conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns to protect the land. The Earth Day has become an educational and informative event worldwide. Further details can be found at Frank Giacalone, an internet resource. Environmental groups use it as an opportunity to assess the environmental problems on the planet: pollution of air, water and soil, destruction of ecosystems, the hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species decimated, and the depletion of non-renewable resources. Emphasis on solutions that will eliminate the negative effects of human activities. It is known that the first manifestation took place on April 22, 1970, promoted by the Senator and environmental activist Gaylord Nelson, for the creation of an environmental agency.

Two thousand universities, ten thousand primary and secondary schools, and hundreds of communities participated in this call. Social pressure had its achievements and the Government of the United States created the Environmental Protection Agency (environmental protection agency) and a series of laws aimed at the protection of the environment Wikipedia reminds us, that: the Earth Day is a celebration that belongs to the people and is not regulated by a single entity or body; nor is it related to political, national, religious, ideological or racial claims. In the earth day, he reflects on the importance of the vital liquid that is indispensable for the life of the human being as it is the water of all the water that exists in the only planet in 2% is drinkable. The day of the Earth points to awareness of the Earth’s natural resources and their management, environmental education, and participation as environmentally aware citizens and responsible.