Seafood Products

The products of the sea have a pile of benefits that often are passed? by stop by the conventional diets, fashion or whim. Nevertheless, the seafood are really good for you and your diet! If you want to eat healthier meals this it is a truly necessary part for your diet. You must try to eat fish per week at least twice. Fish and seafood of high seas are particularly rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help to protect against many diseases, such as: Alzheimer, cancer, arthritis, high arterial pressure, cerebrovascular inflammations, depression, accidents and diseases of the heart. The products of the sea also provide a great low fat protein source, besides acids Omega 3. For example, a fillet roast to the grill is a great protein source that is worth the pain. Also it provides 44 grams of fat, 16 of saturated them.

That is almost three quarters of the recommended daily saturated fat ingestion. The same amount of salmon gives 34 grams him of protein and 18 grams of fat, 4 of saturated them. Moved away Mantente of the shark, swordfish, mackerel or pargo gilded, since they contain mercury high levels. In his place it eats fish and seafood such as shrimps, crabs, Norway lobsters, scallops, mussels, tilapia, the salmon and the tuna clearly tinned. 2) Comma more thin proteins It is important the thin meats that they are available in your local market. By thinner meats I mean to meats like chicken or pig. A thing that you must avoid at all costs is the cold meats for reasons of health. The school of Harvard of the States in its Web site of Public Health says that the foods process, such as hot bacon, dogs and cold meats have been related to the risk of contracting cancer, diseases of the heart, and the diabetes.

Cross Foods

The security in the children will be in that their majors support to him. In order to obtain that the boy with celaca disease accepts better his foods, one gets used to adapting prescriptions to his needs and takes everything with greater naturalness, is beneficial: To let it be contributor of the elaboration of its meals: With this it can show the different ones to him flours that use in both preparation, to teach to clean well all the instruments to him before preparing its foods to avoid the cross-contamination. To cause that it plans his menu: to go of together purchases, to study the labels along with, to show the ingredients to him that must avoid, to leave chooses the foods that want to try, and of this form to verify if when you are not close it knows that it can eat;

In order to do something simpler the product distinction within the home, to place labels in the foods that can consume Ideally that the label takes the identification logo of foods without TACC, thus already learns that it must look for that standard when buying. To include/understand it when it requests some thing that cannot ingest, to give its word to find out if they are managed to make variants adapted to his feeding. To become accustomed itself to go to the meetings, exits or until a to eat to a restaurant, with one vianda with the special food for the boy: To never reject an invitation to a meeting because the boy cannot eat what he is going away to serve there, to try to make versions adapted to the appropriate feeding, than usually eats in the place where they go. When the boy is accustomed from small taking his vianda, when being he will take growing it at the most natural and a rare tiny beast will not feel. Not to evade the premises of food fast, when it has another children that wants to go to them, if it is not able a restaurant where they sell food adapted to the celiaca feeding, to take vianda for the coeliac boy with an adapted there version than it uses (hamburgers, pizza, etc) and to remove it without modesty.

Those that must be shamed of not having a letter adapted for all are that class of restaurants, not them celacas people. It remembers that when arriving at the adolescence the friendly of their son are going to want to go to those places and if the taking as something natural to take its own vianda is not ashamed to do it when growing. To teach to tell its condition to him to the others, of normal and simple form: To teach to say educadamente to him No, thank you very much, if they ofrezcen something to him that cannot eat. To instruct to him to answer simply and without inconveniencing themselves, nor worrying themselves before the insistences of the others to that it tries (this will be too necessary when arriving at the adolescence) That it takes with naturalness the fact that will have to watch the ingredients whereupon it always prepares its meals and to ask that they have in its elaboration.