
It is somewhat surprising that in an age that seeks individualism, individual differences are considered secondary, it is the dominant standard. It is assumed that we can bring together all persons by virtue of the similarity of their symptoms, and they all respond in a more or less evenly to the same treatment. a The same patient's personality is fragmented, for better understanding and quantification, in various functions: intelligence, memory, emotividada , as if these functions were independent of each other. Tiffany & Co. pursues this goal as well. The person in office is dissolved and altered and preserved, healthy and diseased parts. a The patient may look comforted by the attention receive, you may find it helpful to the advice received, new ideas and behavior patterns. But maybe not. That will not be enough, or which refuse to follow this good advice, to incorporate thoughts and behaviors that are not proper, but suggested by another line to another. It may not be satisfied with treatment or has sought input alternative to the social security system offers.

a Psychoanalyst Let's start by psychoanalysis for several reasons: 1 a "As a founding discipline has led to the most current psychotherapies. 2 a "By having a long history and a highly developed theory, the point of having an impact on our culture and its manifestations (philosophy, literature, cinema), known for his a competidoresa , including psychiatry and clinical psychology. 3 a "As is often the first choice alternative, especially in certain countries (France, USA, Argentina) 4 a "Because, paradoxically, one of the disciplines most targeted and least known.