Enterprise Management

organizations exist in function of the people and for serviz them, not contrary it. The forms as the people if relate inside of an organization to a large extent (at least in the formal direction) are defined by the adopted organizacional structure, that is, the hierarchic levels and the interactions between the same ones. The formal structure is necessary so that the individual work and in group efficiently is co-ordinated. The structure is ' ' column dorsal' ' of the organization, establishing functions, positions and hierarchies, affecting the degree of internal cooperation, freedom for external contacts, flow between the departmental borders, intensity and direction of communication between leadership and subordinate, forms and strategies of negotiation and the power to decide process, amongst others. From there, it appeared the necessity and the interest for the thematic one through studies on Enterprise Management, where each organization must have as base a organizacional culture, where new organizacionais pacts if they insert of ostensive form, and new forms of comunicacionais relationships are developed becoming present in the company.

This work has as objective generality to identify as if it processes the organizacional culture, from the perception of its collaborators; to observe the processes of relationships in the scope of a small business company? having as model the Sotelha Material of Ltda Construction and as objective specific, to.descrever the organizacional system; To identify the leadership model; to analyze the programs of existing training and development in the company and to ahead identify the used canals of linking for the team of management of people for its performance of the internal public. We know of the importance of the subject organizacional culture, placing in practical in our daily one, as well as, observing the necessity of this, in is inserted in the organizations as transforming agent of changes. To identify as if processes the organizacional culture, from the perception of its collaborators.