Technology Innovations

The sanctions are not mutually exclusive but cumulative, so if you do not have nothing done, and assuming the most favourable case, which is a basic level of data, we could find with the following amount: Not enroll 600 file not report collecting 600 does not serve the exercise of rights 600 does not have security measures 6000 transfer of data not regulated 60000 to the end the total amount of the penalty would be 67,800 (lots of money) real cases resolution R/00360/2005 Rio Tinto plastics S.CvNo. Perform the registration of files, not having security document, denounced by a worker dismissed from the company itself: 6,600 resolution R/00091/2005 Ofiexperts A.i.e.envio Spam. Denounced by a potential customer who received unsolicited e-mail 1: 30,000 tires R/00247/2005 resolution del Val sl No. give information on the fate of the personal data requested on a budget, denounced by a dissatisfied customer: 1,200 why to adapt? It is obligatory. To avoid errors and prevent its grave consequences. Protects important goodwill of the company: customers. Consumers are increasingly aware of their rights.

Avoid inspections and sanctions, for example, coming from: treat data improperly (commercial listings in the trash) or theft of data from the company (Sales Department). Lack of protection by an entity external to the company. Complaints from customers or competitors. Pressure groups and workers. Not conform may involve fines of 600 to 600,000. Are you willing to take the risk of having to pay such heavy sanctions? Create trust with their customers. Our health check will help you to understand the basics and most importantly to ensure the protection of data in your organization. Leadership, Management and Technology Innovations.