Venezuelan Seasonings

In the two last columns we have written of the sofrito and the condiments, like essential part in the process to give flavor to the meals. However, after to read these articles at great length, I had left some questions in the mind, like for example the paper of oils and saborizados vinegars, the pickles and other seasonings, used frequently to give flavor to the meals. It comes me to the memory that my parents did a flavorful island gravy to us, to accompany the meats and salads or the Joel uncle, that always she had in its refrigerator, the trujillanos ajiceros, to give a touch of flavor to its plates. I do not remain another remedy that to review my notes of the school, to consult books of the School of Kitchen Bleu Cord and by supposed to Him to review specialized books of Venezuelan kitchen, to deepen in the different forms to season foods, besides the written ones previously. From our point of view, we reached the conclusion that, to complement the information of those columns, we had to write about seasonings, gravies, ajiceros & conserves, as complementary preparations in the kitchen, to saborizar food plates. The seasonings, are condiments to heighten the flavor of salads and other plates, that contain oil.

Within this category of condiments they are vinagretas, that are prepared with three parts of oil by one of vinegar and usually are used to flavor green salads and mixed with it grazes, vegetables, fish & seafood. Soon they are the cooked seasonings that contribute a deeper flavor and a velvety layer to vegetables, fish, birds and meats. The gravies are dressings that emphasize the flavor of other plates. Usually one prepares with grass and worn out vegetables or very finely cut, oil and vinegar. In Venezuela, the most known they are the trujillanos gravies (State Trujillo), that admit many variants of ingredients and they use in the breakfast, like companions of round maize loaves, pasties and pastelitos.