
When, under certain circumstances, most people surrender, what does that some few will recover, and work tirelessly to achieve the desired objective, i.e. the success. Related to the security of being able to confront and overcome the obstacles to meet proposed objectives, the concept of self-efficacy, coined by Bandura in the Decade of the 70, has been key in the field of education, is very effective in the field of health and the management of chronic, on sports social problems, and has every day more importance in programs of training of leaders of enterprises. In any field we take reference, human beings we face an almost infinite number of challenges, challenges and problems, and it is vital to understand the way in which we adapt and we get (if we get it) overcome our everyday challenges. In this regard, we can say that the beliefs we have about ourselves, people are keys to control and personal competition front to these problems, challenges and decisions.

A concept that goes beyond the self-esteem.Self-efficacy and self-esteem differ clearly, since the first is a trial of specific capabilities, rather than a general sense of own value, which would define more to self-esteem. It is easy to have self-esteem, simply you can have low expectations, says Bandura. There are several more commonly cited examples to refer to this ability to learn from mistakes and failures, and consolidated by solving them: Walt Disney, which did not have an easy childhood, had to face a thousand difficulties, (bankruptcies, theft of rights of main customers, even came to be fired from a newspaper for lack of imagination), until finally saw his dream fulfilled, in 1928, from the hand of a rat named who, at the suggestion of his wife, Mickey. For each failure, they say telling that a lesson flourished. Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling’s book, was rejected by anything less that twelve houses publishers, until a small publisher agree to publish it.