Payment Click

Thus it is, more and more companies realize that using adwords, can be made profitable all the investment in publicity. Many companies have stopped publicitar themselves in other average ones to go to the payment through click. A system where one identifies the potential client. Adwords is the most efficient and cheap form to obtain clients. And it is that simply, is offered to whom looks for your services to him, the opportunity of which it sees what you offer.

And in addition, one is only pleased by the click of the potential client. Pinsalo, is like going out and knowledge exactly those people to whom it interests to them what you offer. Instead of gastarte 5,000 Euros in an enormous poster, where you announce and where everybody can see it in a crossing site. Instead of that, you spend very little money to let know him to whom it interests your information to him. Burglaryable is an option very, that is to say, small businesses can determine their cost to 3 to the day. Thus during many days, we put 30, you will have seen of all the key words by which they have entered his Web, only end up buying by 3 or 4 types of words.

Thus it is arrived at the situation in which the advertiser pays everything what the market gives because leaves profitable to pay to him by the key words that sell. No longer it pays by any word, but it pays by the words that have demonstrated statistically that the users are going to buy. For example, if the click leaves to 0.30, to bring 100 30 people it costs. We have 100 people who will arrive at our Web to see what we offer. If the ratio of conversion is of a 1%. It means that of those 100 people it will only buy one to us. Finally, if the product that we sell hill 90 and to bring to those 30 potential visits has cost, we are making profitable the campaign of adwords. We make money, inviertiendo in publicity. If the payment by click seems to you troublesome and you have chosen to put an enormous poster in a site with much visibility, that will not allow to locate you to your ideal client. In addition that it requires of a strong investment, in principle, difficult to make profitable. It is like killing flies to cannon shots. The publicity with announcements using adwords is a task that it requires of much experience. You can to learn more in agency of adwords. Also they have its branch in Barcelona, you can see it in adwords in Barcelona.