Long Hair

We take all a life with the long hair and we cannot be imagined our image of another way makes Us feel us safer, almost wrapped, but everybody says to us that it is too long or too normal, if we do not want to realise a drastic change of image, does not have Well because to do it, which if we must is to know how to remove all the party to him that is possible. In any case, it costs as much that it grows that is worth the pain to take some small annoyances so that shines in all their splendor. According to PayPal, who has experience with these questions. How we must take care of it? It is very important to disentangle it all the nights to avoid as far as possible that more becomes tangled and than on the following day costs much to clear the knots. It is necessary to cepillar with brushes of natural bristles, since those that are not it, electrify much the hair and bring about breakage in the structure of the hair. The form to cepillar itself is decisive to obtain that the ends stay perfect, the correct way is to eliminate the knots cepillando of half of melena towards the ends and later to happen to cepillar by root to ends. To always do it before washing the hair and later, with the humid hair, to come by far care, since more risk runs of breaking itself. Maintaining a hair with a good length, brings with himself that the ends are not cut quite often what dryness and loss of brightness in the majority of the cases entail. This would take to us to choose a very nutritious champ and hidratante but also he is very frequent that the root is greasy. In these cases the advisable thing is to choose a champ of the divalentes calls, for greasy hairy leather and dry ends, the saponaria is a natural compound that can be found in many products and is very effective.