Knowledge of the Amazon

So that it can be a well-succeeded company, it is not only enough to have a good product, if it makes necessary to understand and to less foresee the movements of the market forces, being worried about the competition and more about its products and to make of them a differential. TRUFA DE CUPULATE DE A AMAZNIA LTDA, is located in Highway 174, the km 05 Manaus/Am. The companies in the segment of chocolates more are grown, searching if to specialize itself, aiming at to get important competitive differentials with regard to the competition. with this demands fast changes and innovator to have can grow and compete and survive. TRUFAS DE CUPULATE DE A AMAZNIA LTDA plans to bring differentiated innovations and flavors for our National and International consumers and beyond developing the cities where the local producers face difficulties to develop its products, that many times leave to produce in great amounts, due to structure for commercialization, that is, great traders who buy its productions. Forming still one it has equipped with capacity of adaptation to the changes of the environment and market, if anticipating always the competitors. Therefore, the project appears to alavancar the main potentialities of the city and the obstacles that hinder its development in the main sectors primary, secondary and tertiary. To fortify economic activities of the city through actions that promote to add quantitative economic values to the local production and the valuation of the Amazonian products in Brazil in the World.