Fire Protection Officer

House of technology offers a seminar with fire protection technical ascent of the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke at the constant innovations in fire and explosion protection on June 2, 2010 it require that educate themselves to also fire protection officer at regular intervals and inform. So, the new vfdb Directive 12/01 requires a regular training of fire officers. Here, the time interval between two training courses may not exceed three years! The knowledge and skills of the fire protection supervisor are brought in the HDT-day event on June 2, 2010 up to date; reports on current legal and technical developments in the preventive fire protection, the recent loss events are analysed and taken. The issue of fire protection management you are familiarized with the systematic approach in preventive fire protection. Thus coherent, the required documentation in the fire is went through again. The seminar will begin in the HDT in Essen. In the afternoon, a fire protection technical finds Committing the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke under the leadership of the professional firefighters of Gelsenkirchen took place. The event is a training for fire protection officer, also addressed all fire managers from industry, Commerce and administration, specialists for occupational safety, head of planning engineers, building authorities, insurance professionals and other interested parties.

The detailed event programme of technology e. V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 get interested in the House or fax 0201/1803-346 or directly under here, there are also all the information about the course “Training in fire safety” (upcoming April 19-24, 2010 in Berlin and 14-19 June 2010 in Essen). Dipl..


CROSSBOW FERA They say that the Bible says that in the end of the times it goes to appear the crossbow fera. It is a fierce animal that goes to destroy all the men. Nobody it goes to be able to fight against it, therefore whose it goes to have an uncommon force. All those that to fight against it, they will be destroyed. Exactly God will only have superior force it.

This type of thing falls well in the head of some sertanejos poor persons the coitados ones start to believe this piously. the poor persons die of fear of the such crossbow fera. It happens that they never turn the thing, nor have ideas of as it is. Antonino was a poor person sertanejo. It had short memory and it believed in everything what the friends spoke. On the crossbow fera then nor if commented. It was one God he rescues in them. The poor person if arrepiava all and died of fear.

Not wise person to read, that she got worse still more the things. Antonino never is to a city. There for 1930 return the progress was not still so accented. One day it had that to go to a city to make a purchase. He did not have nobody to go, much less to go with it. The young man left alone with the information supplied for the friends. It was, but always of eye not to find the crossbow fera. He walked for that one estradona very pretty. He had much pretty thing. Everything was different there. Houses of a side and another one and that road in the way. So that road so wide? people did not need a so wide way thus. But, she did not import herself with that is continued walking.

Staff Affects

Companies should put in first place the welfare of their employees – is higher than customer care. This is the conclusion analysts who conducted the survey of executives from leading European companies. Study made BusinessWeek European Forum, found that the strategy for the development of people is the most important factor in business success. Read more here: Xoom. The leaders of the companies included in the Top 50 in Europe, reported that the availability of capable, enthusiastic employees, professionals more valuable than knowledge of customer needs. Andrew Minton, co-founder and strategic partner CriticalEYE Forum, said: "It is fundamentally changing the old principle – put the desire of the client first. Companies can make the customer happy only if their employees are surrounded with care and respect.

In the end, it was employees of the company are responsible for relationships with clients and represent the brand value. Credit: Pacific Gas & Electric-2011. " The leaders who took participate in the study, said that the promotion of an entrepreneurial approach to the work of staff was a priority. The importance of talent management has increased considerably in recent years on the priority list leaders. Research done by BusinessWeek European Forum, found that the strategy for the development of people is the most important factor in business success. The leaders of the companies included in the Top 50 in Europe, reported that the availability of capable, the action of professional employees more valuable than knowledge of customer needs. Andrew Minton, co-founder and strategic partner CriticalEYE Forum, said: "It is fundamentally changing the old principle – put the customer first desire place. Companies can make the customer happy, but if their employees are surrounded with care and respect. In the end, it was employees of the company are responsible for customer relationships and provide value brand. " Managers who participated in the study, said that the promotion of an entrepreneurial approach to the work of staff was a priority. The importance of talent management has increased considerably in recent several years in the priority list managers.